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To sign-up for the camps, please click HERE: 
MSMCS 2022 Summer Camp Sign-ups
The deadline to sign-up is April 29th.



Eagle’s Nest Nature Camp with Mrs. Lynch


Week: June 20-June 24

Time: 9am-3pm

Who: 20 campers rising grades 1st-6th (If more are interested, I may allow more campers.)

Need: 3-4 volunteers (NO CHARGE) rising grades 7th-8th


Students will spend the week immersed in the nature that surrounds MSMCS. They will spend time exploring plants, our barn animals, and habitats through crafts, games, and hands-on activities. Students will fill a nature journal with facts, drawings, photos, and collected specimens found during our studies. In the morning, students will spend time outside with the animals and exploring the beautiful nature that surrounds our school campus. After lunch, students will spend time enjoying specifically crafted nature stations and crafts. Students will receive a lab handheld digital microscope and a copy of Farm Anatomy: The Curious Parts and Pieces of Country Life by Julia Rothman. More information will be sent home with campers as we get closer to the end of the school year. 



Science Camp with Mrs. Montes



Week: June 06-June 10

Time: 9am-12pm

Who: An environmental education class for children ages 4-6.

Maximum of 12 kids for camp 


Give your children the wonderful gift of nature/science activities, fun learning experiences, and science investigations! Through seasonal activities and nature inspiration, the children will be provided opportunities to observe, investigate and discover the diverse world of plants, animals, weather, geology, and more! The children will use their curiosity and creativity to explore hands-on lessons. Finding joy and meaning in nature sets the stage for a life-long desire to grow, question, and create positive change for a better world.

Movin’ and Groovin’ Camp with Mrs. Schell and Mrs. Dorsey


Week: June 6-10 

Time: 9 am-12noon

Who: Boys and girls 1st thru 8th grade

Min. of 4; Max. of 10 


Come join us for the week of fun playing games outside, making crafts, and cooking yummy snacks.  

Mrs. Schell and Mrs. Dorsey 


Drama Camp  with Mrs. MacLellan and Ms. MacLellan


Week: June 20- July 1.

Time: 10-2 M-F

Who: For incoming Grades 3-8.

Minimum of 10 kids needed for camp, maximum of 20.


Join us for two weeks of on-stage fun!

During drama camp, your child will learn basic principles of theater, set design, and costuming. We will spend time playing improv games and rehearsing a one-act play, all while nurturing and growing creativity. Your child will be involved from start to finish in putting on a one-act play- from learning lines and blocking, designing and building a basic set, learning a song and dance, and even performing for family and friends. Let your creativity and talents flourish with the help of two experienced drama queens (Miss. and Mrs. Macs).


Don’t love being in the spotlight but still want to be involved? Every show needs a crew! Opportunities for set design, “tech” and stagehands as well.


At the end of the week, family and friends are invited to come to enjoy our one-act play and witness the fruits of your children’s hard work.


One-Act play TBA



Art Camp  with Mrs. Martin



Week: June 20th- 24th or June 27th-July 1st Time: 9:00am-12:00 noon Grades: current 1st-8th A minimum of 8 kids are needed for camp Join us for this awesome and engaging summer art camp. We will Explore abstract art and painting using spray bottles and create paintbrushes from natural things we find during a nature walk and scavenger hunt. I’ll be teaching the kiddos the science behind pendulums as a group, we will make several pendulums and use fluid paint to showcase gravity and movement. We will also be learning to finger knit scarves using our fingers and arms as the knitting needles. I’ve got many more creative activities planned for the kiddos, outdoors with weather permitting of course and certainly Indoors as well.” Please send with your children a snack of their choice and a drink/water bottle as well.

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(214) 337-0244

• 4500 W. Davis Street 

Dallas, Texas 75211

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